Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Hopefully Optimistic

I promised myself I would stay off of search sites until after my daughter's appointment next week. Im dreading the possible diagnoses. Im dreading the fact that she will most likely require surgery on her eyes. Im dreading next week in general. We have an appointment every single day next week. I still have to work, cook, clean, etc. you get the idea. The added stresses of the few friends that still bother to reach out, asking why they havent heard from me, etc is just adding to the pile of pressure I am constantly dealing with. The expectations of being the initiator for contact all the time because people dont want to "bother me" is starting to feel more like no one wants to bother.

Due to the fact that having a special needs child is a rather lonely road and I have mostly only myself to count on, I thought perhaps venturing into one of the online support groups I belong to would be of comfort. As I was scrolling through, I saw a post from a mom with a baby a little bit younger than Jaylyn talking about her excitement over how much she "babbles" and was wondering if that were any indication that her child may speak. I got so excited because although Jaylyn is considered "non verbal", she babbles all day long and is so expressive with it, its almost as if she is speaking a language of her very own. I noticed that there were several comments, mostly from mothers with older children with polymicrogyria.  Since most doctors seem so clueless as to what polymicrogyria is and what I am to expect, and the internet is sparse with updated research, these are my go to people for information. And yes even hope. What I read however, really put a damper on my day and my hope that Jaylyn would some day speak. She will be taught a form of communication, but her handing me a picture of something to make her needs known is nothing compared to her saying "Mama, I love you". Oh but I know she does, no doubt about it. She is so full of the most unconditional love and light, I wish it were contagious!