Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Just bad luck!

When you're as analytical as I am, I need to know the "why" to everything. So after the months of guessing games, tests, and finally a multitude of diagnoses, of course I needed to know WHY?! What caused this? Could it have been prevented? Was it something I was exposed to? Was it a medication to ease the discomforts of morning sickness? Is there a way to find out? And so I began asking questions of the doctors that are now caring for my daughter who has hit the rare disease jackpot so to speak. Due to the diagnoses of 2 rare brain abnormalities, naturally I asked the neurologist. He would know best right? His answer? You guessed it! "Just bad luck!". This answer has yet to sit well with me. There has to be a reason other than just bad luck! And so after switching pediatricians, and going over every finite detail of Jaylyn's birth history, diagnosis of neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia and the barrage of things it could possibly be responsible for, she wants us to follow up with hematology to see if there may be another reason Jaylyn had suffered a stroke and brain bleed in utero. So we could actually have some answers!  Of course I dont want Jaylyn to suffer anymore poking and prodding than necessary but a why could lead to more appropriate treatment and protect my other children when they decide to have their own children. And yes she did agree that my unfortunate exposures to contaminated water and vinyl chloride could very well be the culprit. And then there is the medication I was prescribed for morning sickness. Now there is a huge class action lawsuit for the birth deffects caused by that. So I know deep in my heart that there is a "why" just as I knew deep in my heart something was just not right throughout my entire pregnancy. Just like I knew deep in my heart I had to keep pushing for months for appropriate testing that led to proper diagnoses. So if anyone can learn just 1 thing from our journey is to never give up on finding answers and not all experts are experts on YOUR child.

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